Thursday 27 September 2012

Over at we're tried to shake things up a bit! We're introducing a new HSF Hall of Fame to replace the current Profiles page. Every month, we're going to add a new star from the word of horror, sci-fi and fantasy film to our Hall of Fame. It could be a director, actor, writer or special effects man. It could be a artist nominated for a single great contribution or a prolific hack. You decide!

The first five names are up in a poll on our forum. You don't have to join, unless you want to make suggestions for next months poll. This months ends of 31st October - Halloween fittingly enough! Play your part in our first introduction!

We've also added twitter and facebook buttons to our site, so now you can see if we have any new updates without repeatedly checking the site. click these to follow/like us.

We're also working on the top 100 Fantasy Film list. Again, you can contribute by make suggestions in our forum. If we agree, adding a review to the forum will also ensure you work is part of the top 100 when it's eventually published!

Finally, we're trying to get our revamped forum off the ground. In addition to the above interactive elements, we've added a few other suggested categories such as "Name that Film" and "New Films", the latter is an excellent place for independent film makes to add their reviews.

So lots going on and plenty of opportunity for you to get involved. We'll be adding some new stock soon, look out for that too!

'Til Next time,



RIP Herbert Lom. Another genre legend now departed.

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